Newsletter June 2023: New Twitter Account

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June 2, 2023

Introducing @MetaclashDAD on Twitter. The gateway to chaos, mayhem, and mind-bending destruction! Follow our new Twitter account if you dare, and brace yourself for a wild ride filled with jaw-dropping surprises and announcements.

As for @MCLabs, it's transforming into our official Metaclash corporate account. Expect groundbreaking developments, twisted partnerships, and the occasional existential crisis.

@MetaclashDAD is where all the cool kids gather to witness the carnage unfold. Get ready for exclusive D.A.D. releases, twisted events, and unhinged discussions with our rowdy community. It's time to unleash your inner degen and conquer the metaverse like a true maniac.

Join us on this twisted journey by following @MetaclashDAD for all things Digital Avatars of Destruction, and stick around @MCLabs for the bigger picture of Metaclash's dark empire. Dare to enter, and may the chaos be ever in your favor

Discord Warriors
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Telegram Ambassadors
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Referral Champions
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  • Share your referral link to your friends, top 200 referrers will be given a spot on our whitelist.
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Thanks for joining this pool. Please wait for an email for further instructions. As a qualifier for this pool, follow us on our TWITTER channel
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Content Creators
200 Whitelist Slots Available
  • Follow us on Twitter
  • Post about MetaClash and tag us @metaclash and using the hashtag #MetaClashWL
  • We will choose the best or
    most engaged posts to be
    included in our whitelist.

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