Newsletter July 2023: Unveiling the New Faction Logos

metaclash logo
July 5, 2023

The three factions—Telum, Invictus, and Machina—play crucial roles in the MetaClash storyline, and their unique visual hallmarks are meticulously crafted to symbolize their meaning. Our 2D Concept Artist, Niko Maza, revamped their logos, and we're letting you in on all the creative process behind it.

Q: How did you approach the task of understanding the factions and their values before starting the redesign? 

A: “I already have a comprehensive understanding of the distinctive style and representative qualities of each faction. Telum exudes a futuristic ambiance, embodying a disciplined, strict, and organized faction. Invictus, in my head, stands as the most aggressive among the three factions, perpetually bearing the marks of a post-apocalyptic aesthetic. Machina, on the contrary, showcases its mechanical elements, and gives off a steampunk-inspired style, while retaining formidable power that should not be underestimated by other factions.” 

Q: What were the key elements or concepts from our old faction logo that you wanted to preserve or build upon in the new design? 

A: “In my creative process, I aimed to retain key elements from the old faction logos while introducing new design concepts. For Telum, I incorporated sleek lines and shapes that represent their orderly nature. I incorporated those elements into the new Telum logo, ensuring a sense of continuity while giving it a modern twist. With Invictus, I enhanced their aggressive essence by integrating a skull alongside the iconic omega symbol that I retained. And for Machina, I focused on imbuing a distinct "machinery" vibe into the logo. I wanted it to scream Machina at first glance, and that's where I directed my efforts.”

Old Faction Logos:

New Faction Logos:

Q: Can you describe the creative process you followed from initial sketches to the final design? 

A: “So, the first thing I did was brainstorm the overall silhouette for each logo. I went with a hexagon shape for Telum, an omega symbol for Invictus, and gears for Machina. Then, I started visualizing the emblem silhouette. For Telum, I imagined a futuristic shield; for Invictus, a skull wearing a mask; and for Machina, I incorporated even more gears into the design. It was all about capturing the essence of each faction in those key elements.” 

Niko's talent and passion are an expression of our philosophy: total commitment to excellence down to the smallest details—a defining hallmark of our work.

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