Newsletter July 2023: Epic Collaborations

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July 5, 2023

Big things are happening behind the scenes at MetaClash HQ, and we're super pumped to spill the beans. This isn't just about building epic gaming stuff (though we've been nailing that too). It's all about making sure everyone in the Web3 universe knows we're cooking up something tasty.

We've been hustling hard, teaming up with folks who really get our vibe, and genuinely see the awesomeness our project brings to Web3 gaming's future. We don't just want to shout into the void; we want to work with those who believe in what we're doing.

Our team's been showcasing the heck out of Metaclash: Digital Avatars of Destruction, chattering with gaming gurus, gaming guilds, and a whole load of projects. The goal? Simple: to let the world know what we're up to. Some deals are already in the bag, and others are on the edge of their seats, waiting for the first glimpse of the game.

We're swapping in-game NFT skins and vehicle decals with communities who're helping us spread the word. Plus, brace yourselves for live-streaming face-offs with the founders behind this dream.

Recently, we've high-fived with Generative Dungeon, an insane project offering fully-playable, auto-generated NFT dungeons. This ain't your usual portrait collection; it's a whole immersive gaming experience. We're hoping their community digs our stuff, and we can hype up each other in this gaming arena.

Remember, this is all possible because of our hush-hush work over the past two years. Our soon-to-drop Alpha game version is proof of the pie. And trust us, this pie is tasty and within reach.

Keep your eyes peeled as we drop more info about our fresh partnerships. The magic's just beginning in the NFT realm, and we're right here at the heart of it.

And remember, our marketing game isn't about hype and hot air. It's about joining forces with those who believe in us. We've learnt from the best (and worst) of the industry and are building something solid, right here. Stay tuned, the fun is just getting started.

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